viernes, 14 de octubre de 2016

First evaluated activity

Due to Friday 21st:

Write a news story based on the headlines given in class or any other you want to write about. 

73 comentarios:

  1. Today is 14/10/2016
    Classmates: Victoria Briceño and Valeria Portillo
    Class: 3rd year “B”

    News from around the world

    The 17 year old singer Shawn Mendes besides the fact that he just began at the music industry, now we see him in the MTV’S awards with his new hits Mercy, Stiches and something big but that’s not the only thing, he is known by being one of the hottes guy and for the pretty girl he’s been with, he is going to make his illuminate world tour and he’s going to bring new hits.

  2. Andrés Pirela. Gianpaul Ruvolo
    Thursday January 19, 2824, found the cure for cancer, by scientist Andres Ruvolo in Venezuela. Vaccines are beginning to spread in the world gradually. WHO (World Health Organization) is helping to produce in larger quantities vaccines and bringing them quickly to countries. It is estimated that in two months are around the world.

  3. .the surprise winner of the tournament (Venezuela) have celebrated his victory against the amazing germany team, that was the favorite of the day on the world cup final in rio de janeiro, brasil. with a great goal of the striker salomón rondón Venezuela has defeat germany 1-0. german players were totally confused, they didn´t know if that score could be for real, because everyone knew germany team was better than Venezuela.

    1. has celebrated its victory... German the World Cup in Rio de Janeiro, Brasil...Salomon Rondon. has defeated Germany.. German players.. real... German team

  4. Alexander Sarmiento
    A relation of 2 years ends.
    The last week two of the most famous actors John Royce and Angela Smith broke up in the party of John´s manager, Larry. They had a relation of 2 years. John found Angela and Larry kissing in the sofa so John almost killed Larry, but Angela stopped him. That moment was so shocking because anyone believes that they had broken up if they were so happy. John said to us that he couldn´t believe that she was with him, but the las month she was wear every time he looked she.

    1. told us.... last month... she was weird.. he looked at her..

  5. Santiago Linares
    3rd year B

    Sport News

    Today, May 22, 2021, is maybe one the most important moments of his life, one of the most important days of his career. Ladies and Gentlemens, we are talking about the Venezuelan defender Santiago Linares, who is now a new player of Real Madrid. He's only 18 and now is one of the best defenders on the world, there was a lot of teams who want him, but he said that his shine was playing at Real Madrid and now it is complete. He was very excited in his presentation with the merengue club. Santiago has won 10 titles and i'm sure he'll win many more titles with his new club... We can't wait for his debut with the team.

    1. i n the world.. There were a lot of teams that wanted.. his dream.. it is achieved.. Merengue club
      I would like this news to be true. :)

  6. Valeria Oquendo
    3rd C
    Hollywood stars KYLIE HADID and ZAYN EFRON have finally gotten married after being together for more than 8 years. The wedding was celebrated in a luxurious hotel in Paris. The couple was seen very happy leaving the city of lights after a full week of partying and celebrating their union with their families and other important Hollywood stars such as the Kardashian family, Selena Gomez and Beyonce.

  7. Pedro Morales, Javier Urdaneta
    3rd B
    1.Shooting on the Sambil Mall

    There was gunfire on the sambil mall some hours ago,the shooters involved were protesting on the Main Entrance of the mall and then out of nothing the guys got mad and they pulled a gun. No one got hurt but the shoters shoot himself on the knee
    he was sent to the hospital and then to jail.

    the shoter was identify as carlos santana he is a 48 year old man that live on the north of maracaibo, he is a member of the gang name as "del sol" he had been involved i other crimes since some years ago he got cuaght murdering, stealing banks and others.... and he steal some food, his partners are alejandro santana his brother, and other 2 other mysterious subject. The sambil will be closed for some days after cleaning the place.

    1. a gunfire.. at Sambil Mall...Then all of a of the the knee.. was identified.. Carlos Santana, he is...The man lives ...Maracaibo....gang named.. Del other crimes for some years..He got caught... stole some food.. and two other mysterious criminals.

  8. Simon David Montiel, Simon Alberto Montiel
    The visit of the month
    Last thursday 10th of december the artist Emma Watson visited the Andino Mall in Maracaibo, wiht her handsome and rich boyfriend Simon Montiel the boss of Microsoft, they both bought many clothes at store calles Arturo Martini, and also they took photos ande signed autographs to their fans

    1. Last Thursday..December..Boss of Microsoft. They both..called... and ...

  9. Super fancy wedding
    The last Saturday, July 9 in Los Angeles California, the famous stars, Zayn Malik and Taylor Swift celebrated their wedding. The ceremony took place in a super fancy hotel, with more than two thousand of his closest friends and family, at the ceremony were many famous stars like Justin Bieber, Kylie Jenner, Selena Gomez, among others. The stars of the music Demi Lovato, Drake and Rihanna sang as a surprise for the couple and guests.
    Everyone had a great time.
    By: Patricia Chirinos and Julio Machado 3rdA

  10. Zarah Delgado and Paola Gonzalez
    Drake and Rihanna´s Sudden Break Up
    Drake and Rihanna haven´t had a lot of afecion lately, and this is causing rumors about their break up, everyone is speculating about wether or not they have broken up, but finally we have confirmed their break up. The cause of their break up is that the rapper Drake is very busy with his carreer, causing rouble in the relationship. They´ve actually been seeing other people lately, Rihanna has been seen with her ex-boyfriend Travis Scott, and drake has been seen hanging out wit the model India Love. So even after a very sad break up the celebrities have moved on.

  11. "A New Hope"
    NASA will send a probe to a new extrasolar planet, Kepler-558g, in order to discover whether there is a possibility that humans can inhabit this new planet. If the results are positive, the option to board in this celestial body is being seriously considered, because of the high damage caused on earth by human beings.
    The examination at the time indicates that the possibility of life is 78%, the highest yet. And the creation of new nations is being considered to expand humanity throughout the galaxy. The planet proves to be suitable for human beings and 50% of the animals, except those who are in danger of extinction. The planet earth will be abandoned for 1000 years to see if the status can improve. A team of 100 scientists will travel to the Earth every 5 years to check on the status of the planet.

    Luis Flores and Sergio Bermudez
    9th grade "A"

  12. Respuestas
    1. ´Wedding Surprise´
      Last month, exactly on September 28th was the celebration of the marriage of Heather Williams and George Smith, they got married in San Diego, California. They both wanted this wedding to be on the top list of the weddings this year, so if they wanted to do that, they had to buy the most expensive reception in California; after Heather and George said their votes the decided to go to the reception, after a while, when the husband and the wife had to dance the vals, the bride had disapear with the godfather of the groom, the groom went to many places, but when he stopped in front of the bathroom he heard some noices there so when he checked inside, it was her wife cheating on him with the godfather.
      Andrea Duque, Sofia Lamus and Maria Piñeiro. 3A

    2. marriage between....took place..disappeared..

  13. English notice
    Don Omar death
    News of singer Don Omar death spread quickly earlier this week causing concern among fans across the world. The overwhelming reaction on social media to don Omar following his drink-driving car crash on Tuesday. His father said he secretly went to Alcoholics Anonymous but could never overcome the drink, and he had problems with his mother because he always came home drunk and had fights, so his mother will not go to funeral all cars jewels and properties were sold because his family did not want to remember.
    Alejandro Cabello, Cesar Velazquez. 9th A

  14. English notice:
    Shakira’s depression
    Breaking news Shakira loses a bastard son receiving a strong shot in the stomach during a robbery at his home in Colombia. Her husband Pique is furious and they are on the verge of divorce and Shakira is a very big depression taking pills this was a very shocking news to his family who did not believe that Shakira could get to make that your career has completely stopped after that we did not know who will be next ment for this singer and actress soon. But we are informed that this selling their belongings to start a new life without making the same mistakes^
    Mario Chirinos 9no A

    1. in a very big depression.. This was very shocking news
      her family.. her career..
      we did not know who will be next ment for this singer and actress soon. But we are informed that this selling their belongings to start a new life without making the same mistakes^(I DON'T UNDERSTAND THIS LINE)

  15. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  16. English notice:
    Sixto rein lost his entire fortune

    when he signed with the musical company carbon fiber, he became famous and he came to venezuela to a national tour, so when he was traveling of maracaibo to barquisimeto some thiefs stole his lamborghini car and his credit cards and almost killed him.

    two days ago when he was traveling to miami again, the police of venezuela sent him to jail because they said that he conspired against the goverment.

    made by: Emmanuel Valero.

    1. When ... Venezuela.. from Maracaibo to Barquisimeto some thieves... Two days ago.. Miami... Venezuelan police...

  17. famous presentation at sambil
    BY: Valeria camejo, Camila Delgado
    9th grade "A"

    Yesterday j balvin had a presentation in Maracaibo at sambil mall, we don´t know why he was in Maracaibo, It´s really weird that he came to Maracaibo and especially in sambil, he Will stay three days at maruma hotel
    Andrea it´s a girl that was there and saw him:
    Andrea said:
    Yesterday, I was at sambil and I saw a bunch of people running down stairs, I looked and I saw j balvin singing, I went to de place where he was, so many people was there I couldn’t get close enough but it was awesome and exciting. I didn´t stay the whole presentation.

    1. especially to Sambil Mall.. Maruma Hotel
      the place..many people were there

  18. Shocking Truth about Mean Girls
    Last night the truth was revealed, when Lindsay Lohan pushed Rachel McAdams to road and a bus ran over her and she died on the way to the hospital and they used that for the movie, just that in the movie she didn’t die. All these years she’s had a secret twin and nobody said anything about it until now, her real name is Gertrude McAdams, the evil twin who’s been living a fake life for 12 years.
    By: Pierina Infantino and Daniela Delgado 9no A

  19. Eduardo Morales
    Synths: abominations or the future?
    Last Friday at the MIT University in Boston, Massachusetts, the first prototype of the "Synth" (synthetic man) was tested and scored an incredible 85% in its functionality, the only problem was that the "Synth" said he wanted to destroy everyone in the world except their creators. We talked with the scientists about the Synths, asking that if they were mere robots and they said:
    "The Synths are not mere robots, they have their own thoughts and personalities and have the most advanced artificial intelligences that have been created worldwide. We are working on a second prototype, it is the most advanced we've created so far, it’s a synthetic man whose name is Nick Valentine, it looks pretty good, we are excited to see where it leads to, we believe that if we follow this same path we will create human-like Syths that will look and behave like humans, we are very happy with the Synths we have now, but we want to go even further. "
    Many people believe that the Synths might become the end of the world, but we'll have to wait and see.

    The snake in the concert
    Two days ago in the most expectected concert in Canada of Queen B (Beyonce), all the public were surprised for the snake that appeared when she was signing Countdown , some people say that one of the managers in setting the stage put it on the lights and when they turned on the lights the snake dropped down on beyonce´s head, and all the people though that it was part of the show, but when people realized that she was screaming like crazy , they stared to scream and cry and lamentably she fainted , she was in the hospital 3 days, the good news is that beyonce recover quickly but she is thinking about of cancel her tour for Canada.

    1. expected.. was surprised.. singing...Some people say..
      in setting the stage????
      for three days...
      about cancelling
      around Canada..

  21. Victoria García, Richel Méndez and Marialejandra Zabala

    Turns out that last weekend Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt were spotted in a Restaurant in LA, they were laughing and they looked very happy. After that, they went to Jennifer´s house and we haven´t seen them anymore since that. It seems like the story is happening again, we are so happy that they´re together again but Brad´s ex -wife that is Angelina Jolie have an opinion about that. She tweeted: Well, so that´s why you left me. Since that, Brad hasn´t appeared, we all think that he´s scared. So, what´s going to happen next?

  22. Veronica Salas and Jodellys Quiroz
    3rd "C"

    Last Saturday night, in Los Angeles, the actor of Maze Runner Dylan O´Brien and Britt Roberson got married. They are considered one of the most beloved Hollywood couples. The wedding was in one of the richest hotels of L.A called The 5th Wave, several family members, actors, models and singers were invited to celebrate with the couple in this important event. Celebrities like Justin Bieber, Gigi Hadid, Hrry Syles, Halsey, the Kardashians and Jenner family and of course the bridesmaid Lily Collins

  23. 20/10/2016
    Classmates: José Oropeza, Victor Ramos
    Class: 3rd Year “B”

    Another Dead Star

    Today, 20/10/2016 Tim Lambesis, vocalist of As I Lay Dying and founder of Austrian Death Machine was found dead in the prison where he were sent. Since he was sent to the prison, days after, Tim had some problems, like discussions and fights with his cell mate, that murdered his family. The last night, after another fight, the cell got caught in silence, the cops thought that they calmed down and then like everyone of those days, they calmed down and then go to sleep, but no, it seems like Charles, the Tim’s cell mate, killed him, the way that he killed him it’s unknown, but it seems like Charles will be condemned to death in one month, and the heritage of Tim will be conceived to Tim’s wife and childrens.

    1. October 20th, 2016..was prison..Last night..
      everyone of those days???
      went to sleep
      Tim's cell mate..

  24. Carla Sanchez and Carlos Vargas
    3rd "C"

    Hollywood Wedding

    The waiting has come to an end, next weekend the most expected wedding of the year between the famous actor Sixto Rein and the famous model Carla Sanchez will take place at one of the most exclusive hotels in Hollywood. The famous couple finally will be able to express their love to each other in front the family and friends, and it has been said it will be the greatest party that Hollywood will see in a long time. Let´s see if it reaches all the expectation around it.

  25. Martina Estoessel or Tini Estoessel brings you a contest called “Lunch whit my fans”. To win this contest you have to answer 4 questions about Martina’s life. Putting on this hashtag lunch tinistas, hashtag concurs

    The questions are:
    1. What is the name of my pet?
    2. What is the best gift you have received by your fans?
    3. What is the name of your parents?
    4. Who are your favorite singers?

  26. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.


    On the morning of October 24,2016, the terrorist group calling itself `ISIS´ conducted an attack in the city of Maracaibo, in Venezuela.
    The attack was on the bridge GENERAL RAFEL URDANETA, at 11am, having incredibly loud explosions that left over 70 people dead including those drowned when the bridge collapse and fall...
    About what happened last morning tourism under sharply, and many residents leave the city of Maracaibo, the questions of all people is, what next


    1. In the morning.. Rafael Urdaneta...
      tourism under sharply???
      many residents left ..
      Everybody asks what's next!!!

  28. Jelena is Back.

    The famous 22 year old singer Justin Bieber and the beautiful singer Selena Gomez are back together! Jelenashippers are going crazy right now, #Jelenaisback is a worldwide trending hashtag with over 5 millions tweets. After all this time, they are finally back! We saw them in the outside of one of the most exclusives hotels in Rome, Italy. It seems like they are having a really great time together. We are so happy for them, and we hope that everything is going to be just fine between both.

    -Andrea Malvic y Kimberl Ferrer

  29. Made By:Lorena Araujo
    9th grade C

    Fashion News💁

    Today october 04th of 2020 the youngest fashion designer of the world and owner of many famous stores all around the world “Lorena Araujo” will release her new line of autumm clothes, after she released her new line of makeup last month in New York City. The runway will be also in New York- U.S.A, and many famous models and designers will go there. Also she will open another store in Paris-France near the Eiffel Tower and next to a cafe

  30. Today is 21/10/16
    Made by: Christopher Mendt
    9th grade
    Animal’s news
    This Sunday at 4:01 P.M, it’s going to be the biggest canine competition in the world. The owners are working with their dogs day and night. The categories are going to be:
    The most talented
    The most prettiest
    The cutest
    The most intelligent
    The fastest
    And the dog who can do all of this thing is going to win the big price (food of the brand dog show for all the life, 25 outfits, a bed and 100 dog toys). The judges are going to be: Selena Gomez, Simone Biles, Justin Timberlake, john Cena, Ariana Grande and Paul McCartney.

  31. Made by:Leonela Rincon
    Grade:9th "c"

    The architect

    The most popular architect of the world "Leonela Rincon" has design a new mall in Dubai. It was built last monday 20th of March and it has 1000 floors,5 cinemas, 900 stores, including many stores of the famous designer "Lorena Araujo". Also the walls are made of crystal and the floors are made of diamond. And it was built by the famous engineer "Carlos Fuenmayor".

  32. Made by: Paula Acuña and Joselin Guevara
    They`re taking a break
    After a great year for the album Sounds Good Feels Good and their wonderful tour “Sounds Live Feels Live”, the most awarded band of the decade, 5 Seconds of Summer, have decided to take a break for a year before they announce their 3rd album. Band member and lead singer, Luke Hemmings, said “We have been touring for four straight years and we really need a break to see our family and clean up our minds”. Their fan base freaked out after hearing these big news and asked themselves if the band was going to get back together after a long year without releasing music and playing on stage. But, to calm the “5SOSFam”, band member and drummer, Ashton Irwin, said “We are already working on new stuff so don´t worry that on 2018 we´ll be back on tour”. You read it, there will be more 5SOS for a long time.

  33. Made by: Oriana Roldan
    Unfortunate Criticism
    The famous Singer Drew Bieber has received many critics after his new relationship with the actress Selena Richie, this has led the artist to close his Twitter account the last week, because he couldn’t stand the critics. So far Drew hasn´t given statement about it. Because of this he has lost many of his followers

  34. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  35. Dario Rouvier and Sebastian Vega

    The catania's mafia

    Years pass, and the problem betwen Maxi Lopez, Mauro Icardi and Wanda Lara is continues giving to talk about. Recentily, the Argentinian journalist carlos monti, reveals that when the catania's mafia founds out the romance betwen icardi and the Maxi's ex Wanda, the mafia offered to Maxi kill his old friend Icardi or cut his legs to not play more soccer in his live. Maxi afortunately rejected the offer.

  36. continues... Recently.. Argentine journalist..Carlos Monti...between ..
    Maxi's ex wife.. Offered Maxi to kill his.. so that he couldn't play anymore..his life..fortunately..

  37. Made by: Hugo Ballesteros
    Grade:9th "C"
    The murderer 8
    In a town of angels in the marginal zone in the county of Blanes, around there are several houses under construction without faileth ... but there is a house that is not this unbuilt, it was completely destroyed and burned in that house carbonized is finds a note talking about a serial murderer called Abrahms mel who died one night in the prison bolin broke while awaiting trial for kidnapping and torture. Abraham was guilty of infinity killings, a series of disappearances that happened 5 years ago, never found the victims but admitted to having an obsession with the number 8 ... in another destination that was a half-ruined house getting still standing, inside this house had written on the wall: there will be 8 and behind that wall was a shelf containing a bottle propagate and up some human organs ... but above what was written on the wall were drawings of an area of ​​the city, when the authorities went to that area of ​​the city but around that area I had was just sea and into the water divers found ...

  38. President Nicolas Maduro died
    Last night at miraflores, at 9:00pm, president Maduro was taking care of his garden when a famous murderer known as "el tigre" shoot him to death.
    Now the country is wating for the elections.
    By Andres Bracho
    3rd grade B

  39. Today is: 25/10/16
    Made by: Alejandro Guanipa & Carlos león
    The cure for AIDS
    In the year 2025 a doctor from Brazil called Amy Anderson created the cure for the AIDS
    Amy in a conference explained that she found the cure mixing some random components, the doctor says the cure for now will be available in south and north America and then in the rest of the world
    For now the cure will be by injection and in a few months will be in pills, but the injections have secondary effects such as fatigue and some depression
    It will be able in pharmacies and drugstores in november 6
